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A school marked by history​

Following its destruction during World War I, the school will benefit of a priority rebuild, thanks to the generous action of Maurice Fenaille. His son escaped a feat of arm in plane above Cléry sur Somme, September the 4th 1916.

The communal school is located in Fenailles Street, name of its benefactor.

The school today

In September 2020, the school welcomes 55 students, split in 3 classes: a kindergarten’s class, gathering the little ones, a 1st and 2nd grade class and a 3rd, 4th and 5th grade class. 

3 teachers and a classroom assistant supervise the children:

  • Mrs Mille Mathilde, director and teacher in kindergarten, helped by Mrs Wattebled Doris, classroom assistant.
  • Mrs Christophe Nathalie, teacher in 1st and 2nd grade.
  • Mrs Evrard, teacher in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.


The school offers a daycare service in the morning, and a canteen for lunchtime.

The kids from Feuillères and Hem-Monacu are coming in Cléry sur Somme’s school

A service of school transport is ensured.


The association of parents of children, Together Little and Grownups of Cléry participates in every school’s moments, such as Christmas party, or the end-of-year fair. 

The association offers a calculator and a dictionary to every 5th grade students going to High School. 

Contact : Mrs Eline Thomas | 06 24 60 07 18


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